Can a Shed Increase Property Value?

Sheds can serve many different purposes. It can be a place to store lawn supplies and gardening tools, or it can be made into a room for a workshop, art studio, music room, etc. No matter what it ends up being used for, having a shed can increase the value of your home. Some people are even more attracted to a home because it has a shed! Continue reading to learn 4 ways adding a shed to your home can increase your property value 

1. Storage Purposes

Everyone loves extra storage so it only makes sense that it will add value to your home! Wanting extra storage is the top reason why people usually add sheds to their yard. Homebuyers often look for those extra storage spaces when touring especially if they are big into gardening or lawncare and want a convenient place to store all of their tools, supplies, and equipment. 

2. A Lovely Aesthetic

Another reason a shed can increase the value of your home is because of the beautiful aesthetic it brings. A buyer’s first impression of a home is extremely important and the first impression is usually judged by a home’s aesthetic.  A high-quality and well-maintained shed that matches your home’s color and style could add a great aesthetic component that greatly compliments your home.

3. Outdoor Organization

Sheds can also bring the convenience of organization. For many people who don’t have a shed, their garages are usually packed with outdoor supplies and tools, and these garages can often be very untidy. By adding a shed to your home you can add space for organization so that you won’t be digging around your garage to find a specific tool. Organization is a huge seller for some homebuyers as some people require organization in their everyday life. 

4. Extra Space for Anything Else You Might Need

As mentioned above, a shed can be used for more than just as a storage place. People often make sheds into a workshop, music studio, art studio, etc. This makes a shed essentially pose as an extra room to the house. We know the number of rooms adds value to a home so it only makes sense that a shed acting as another room would too!