Buy Now to be in Your New Home by the Start of School

At this time of the year, the weather is getting warmer, pools are open, and kids are finishing up their last few days of school. With summer just about here, now is the perfect time to buy a home to be in your new home by the start of the school year! It can take some time to see the process through from start to finish, so starting now can ease some of the stress brought on by a new school year and the moving process overall!

People move for a variety of reasons, from needing more room for their growing family, to moving for a job, to wanting to be closer to family and friends. But no matter the reason, the typical buying process is the same. The first step is to truly decide what you need and want in a home. First, decide what’s absolutely necessary, and then make a list of things that would be nice to have. Your REALTOR® can help weed out any properties that don’t match your criteria. 

The next step is to learn more about the area you’re moving to. What schools are around? Are there parks, restaurants, and other amenities in the area? Is the area more drivable or walkable?

Once you figure out your wants and needs, there are other steps to take before you get to the closing table including getting pre-approved and working with your REALTOR® to submit an offer once you find a home you want. When submitting an offer, your REALTOR® can include wording that reflects your timeline so the sellers are aware that you want to be in by the time school starts. Once your offer is accepted, you’ll get connected with an attorney, get the home inspected, sign the Purchase and sale agreement, and more.

During this buying process, you may also be selling your home, and it IS possible to do both at the same time! The most important thing is to make sure your home is prepared to list. Your REALTOR® can help you develop a plan to make sure your home is ready to go on the market so that when the time comes and you need to accept an offer, there are contingencies in place so you can find a new home. Anthony explains in detail here, how to sell and buy at the same time.

Once everything is said and done and the sale has closed, it’s time to pack! Take inventory of your things to determine how many boxes you’ll need. Then decide on the things you’ll need when you first get to your new house. This can be things like soap, paper towels, a small toolbox, a first aid kit, etc. Label those boxes as a priority and pack them accordingly in the car or moving truck so you can easily access them when you get to your new home. When moving with kids, it can be a surprise how much can accumulate over time. Think about the last time they used each of their toys or activity and if it’s been a while, think about donating it. This can help you to start fresh. 

From following the home buying process to packing all your things up, to getting the kids ready for the new school year, this summer of moving can be stressful. But by following the tips above, utilizing your REALTOR®, and being as prepared as possible, you will see success.