Backyard Maintenance For Your Florida Home

Whether you’ve just moved to Florida or got your own home there for the first time, knowing how to care for it is crucial. And one of the most challenging parts of maintaining a home is dealing with your backyard! It can seem like an overwhelming job at first, but don’t worry! We are here to help with tips for backyard maintenance for your Florida home.  

Go easy on the watering

The first thing you need to understand when taking up backyard maintenance for your home in Florida is that it rains a lot here, and that will necessitate some fine-tuning of your watering schedule. Plants do require moisture – that is true. However, excessive amounts of it are more damaging than helpful. If you overwater a plant, it can cause it to start rotting. So, when the rainy periods start, make sure to water your plants less or not at all. It is also not wise to underestimate air humidity. If it is very humid and warm, it is wise to water the plants less.

Fight the annoying weeds

Weeds tend to spread explosively and without warning in Florida. When most of the weather you experience brings warmth and moisture, this is only to be expected. However, this does mean you will need to put a lot more effort into backyard maintenance for your Florida home, especially if you are hoping to make a garden patch. Leave it alone for too long, and you might find your flowers or vegetables choked by weeds. You may want to consider covering your garden soil with mulch. This is one of the best and most reliable ways to keep weeds under control. It will also mean you have to select garden plants that can make it under those conditions.

Mow your lawn with regularity

Whether you are planning to look for a real estate brokerage to help you sell your home or not, having a nice lawn will always be necessary. And if you want to have such a lawn in Florida, you will have to put in some work. You see, weeds are not the only thing that grows wildly in this particular climate. Grass tends to get out of hand quickly and explosively if given the opportunity. Especially during the rainy season, when the conditions for its growth are the best and people are less inclined to keep it pruned. Still, to ensure every part of your property looks the best it possibly can, you need to keep it in check, whether you mow it yourself or hire someone to do it.

Select your outdoor furniture carefully

Naturally, to have the best backyard possible, you will likely want to furnish it with some outdoor furniture. However, there is one thing you need to know about Florida climate: it’s not nice to homes or outdoor furniture. The first and most obvious problem is the high humidity coupled with frequent rainfall. This is already enough to ensure your outdoor furniture gets worn down quickly. Additionally complicating the matter is the fact that living near a lot of beaches means you need to deal with winds that pretty much pelt your home with sand grains. This causes a lot of damage over time. So, you want to select durable furniture and clean it regularly. Likewise, when the peak of the rainy season starts, you will want to protect your outdoor furniture by renting a storage unit in Hollywood, FL. Thus, you can put away unnecessary items without having to throw away anything. It is the best way to ensure your furniture makes it undamaged.

Consider building a fence

Now, if you pay attention to the most common Florida home styles, you will notice we have an aversion to fences. After all, with such great views, who wants to ruin it by adding a fence to their home, right? A fence would be a great idea from a functional standpoint, especially when living near a beach. Admittedly, it would not completely mitigate the effects of strong winds that pick up waves of sand. But it would go a long way towards making the backyard maintenance for your Florida home easier. It would also protect your plants, furniture, and landscaping in general. It is one of the better investments you can opt for, even if it does sacrifice some of the benefits of living in such a beautiful state.

Be on the lookout for pests

Even when looking for a storage facility, the experts from 24/7 Logistics Services FL warn you should be on the lookout for pests. Especially termites which can do a lot of damage if you are storing furniture. However, keeping pests out of your Florida home’s backyard will be considerably more difficult. The climate we have already described makes for near-ideal conditions for spreading all sorts of pests. Most of which like to target gardens and homes. You want pest control done in your home and backyard more than once a year. In addition to that, if you are planning to spend any time in your backyard at all, it is smart to have a plan for dealing with mosquitos.

Regularly clean any outdoor amenities

The final concern for backyard maintenance for your Florida home stems from any amenities you may have in it. One thing should be amply apparent: Florida weather does not make it easy to keep your backyard clean. Your backyard amenities will suffer whether we are talking about sand or the rain. A pool will need to be regularly cleaned. And the same applies to any water features. A fire pit or a grilling installation will need to be protected somehow, too. This means that compared to Florida home maintenance, you will have to put in a lot more work in your backyard.

Final advice

Now that you know more about backyard maintenance for your Florida home, you should be able to do a good job! Just remember to make proper plans for how you plan to deal with each challenge and what you can do on your own versus contracting professionals. Whether it is because of time constraints or because you are unsure you can do the job.