How to Protect Your Florida Home From Termites

Living in Florida has a lot of advantages. It’s a lively state full of opportunities. Warm weather and the ocean make it an attractive place to call home. However, a hot and humid climate comes with its own set of challenges. One of the most common ones for Florida homeowners is termites. Various termite species thrive in hot and damp places, and Florida homes offer plenty of food for these nasty pests. Termites are unpleasant and difficult to deal with, not to mention they cause millions of dollars worth of damage every year. The major problem is that many homeowners aren’t even aware of their presence until they cause considerable damage. Still, if you learn to recognize the signs and take precautions, you can prevent these troublesome pests from invading your home. With that in mind, we’ve prepared valuable tips on how to protect your Florida home from termites.

What types of termites are common in Florida?

Whether you’re a Florida resident or planning to buy your new home there, you probably want to know how to upkeep your Florida home. One thing you need to take into consideration is termites. As we’ve already mentioned, they present a constant risk for all Florida homeowners. While there are dozens of different kinds of termites in Florida, these are some of the more common species:

  • drywood termites – as their name implies, they feed on dry wood, and you can find them all year round; luckily, they reproduce slowly, and it can take them years to cause some substantial damage, so detecting them early can help significantly
  • dampwood termites – as you may guess, they prefer damp wood that is close to the soil; they’re attracted by lights and moisture
  • subterranean termites – they usually swarm in late spring and early summer and are the most difficult species to notice because they come from the ground and move their way upwards, causing extensive damage in only a few months

Telltale signs of termite presence in your home

If you’re moving to your new Florida home, it would be good to check for infestation before you bring all your belongings. So, before you call to help you with relocation, ensure your new home is termite-free by looking for the following signs:

  • mud tubes – they usually appear where the foundation of the house touches the ground, on baseboards, and inside the walls; they’re the “roads” the termites create to connect their colonies
  • piles of discarded wings – during the mating season, swarmers can leave them accumulated on window sills, floor, etc.
  • cracked or blistered paint
  • hollow-sounding wood

Inspect your home to detect an infestation

When sprucing up your new Florida home, it’s vital to think of functionality as much as home appeal. Naturally, you want your home to be well-kempt and in good condition. To achieve this goal, you should make termite inspection a part of your regular maintenance check.

As you now know, termites are attracted by dampness, moisture, and wood. They feed on cellulose, and our homes offer an abundance of it. Wooden home structure, cardboard boxes, firewood, and even clothes can attract termites into your home. Therefore, regularly checking all your storage areas, such as a garage or an attic is a must.

Also, they need a good entry point to your home, so don’t forget to inspect cracks in the foundation or pathways near your home. Window sills and door frames also pose a risk. Any wooden decoration on the outside of your home is also worth your attention. When it comes to your yard, check the mulch (termites can live in it) as well as any tree stumps or piles of firewood you have.

Tips to protect your Florida home from termites

Regular inspection will enable you to discover your termite problem early on. Not only will dealing with it be more manageable, but you’ll also save a lot of money on repairing the damage. If you’re moving to Florida on short notice and don’t have time to have your home inspected before you move in, make sure it’s one of your first tasks after you arrive at your new house. So, even if there is a sudden need to relocate, protect your Florida home from termites quickly. Additionally, take some steps to prevent termites from choosing your home as their target.

Fix any water leaks inside or outside of your home

If you notice dripping, moisture on the walls, or water pools in or around your house, fix them as soon as possible. Not only will it keep mold away from your Florida home, but it also decreases the possibility of termite infestation.

Detect all possible entry points and seal them

The termites can use any openings in your home to enter. For that reason, you have to inspect and find all the possible cracks, holes, or crevices and seal them. The foundation, footers, window and door frames, as well as sideboards need to be properly sealed to ensure termites can’t enter that way.

Protect the wood

Wood-soil contact is often how the infestation starts. Firewood stacked against your home and any other sources of wood (outdoor decks, wood siding, etc.) are a free feast for termites. So, it’s best to ensure any wooden structure is at least 18 inches away from the ground. Or, even better, use termite-resistant types of wood when building them!

Schedule regular professional services

The best way to keep your home termite-free is to do everything in your power to prevent these pests from entering in the first place. Inspecting all the risk areas of your home regularly and dealing with any potential issues early on will likely keep your home safe and sound. However, if, despite your best efforts, termites find their way into your home, it’s best to call professionals to help you!
Of course, you can choose to fight them on your own and use any of the termite baits and repellents on the market. They will enable you to solve the problem, especially before it escalates. Unfortunately, it’s often difficult to be sure the whole colony is exterminated. Pest control companies will inspect your home thoroughly as well as provide professional treatment if necessary. Follow these guidelines on how to protect your Florida home from termites and enjoy your safe and beautiful home!